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Assembly Member Blanca Rubio Calls for an Audit of the California Workers' Comp System


Rubio Says California’s Workers’ Compensation System Needs Fixing

(And she’s right!)

Countless people with legitimate work-related injuries have to jump through innumerable hoops and put up a long fight in order to gain access to the fair compensation they deserve—but leaders like democratic Assembly Member Blanca Rubio are calling for change. Rubio illustrates the insurmountable challenges injured workers in California face by using her mother as an example.

“My mom is in her 70's and still works five days a week as a housekeeper in the San Gabriel Valley, often working long hours that put a strain on her body,” Rubio says. “If she gets hurt and has to file a claim, she'll be entitled to benefits under the workers' compensation system. But we know it's not that easy.”

Rubio continues, saying, her mother will have to “jump through hoops, have her claims denied and be subjected to myriad delays because of a variety of issues which need to be addressed.”

Rubio then goes on to cite a new report which reveals that an astonishing 82 percent of previously denied workers’ comp claims have ultimately been reversed in favor of injured claimants. In the end, this bodes well for injured workers, but it also showcases the unacceptable delay and the long, uphill battle claimants face when seeking fair payment, as well as the unnecessary spending by insurance companies who deny workers’ compensation claims and reverse their decisions later.

Rubio Requests Legislative Intervention & Audits of Workers’ Comp Delays

Rubio says she intends to remedy this by requesting that the legislature perform an official audit on all workers’ compensation denials and delays in order to reduce costs for all parties involved and increase the chances of expeditiously providing due compensation for injured workers.

She explains the positive effects such auditing may have, stating, “If approved to go forward, the audit by the California State Auditor will examine the efficiency of the delivery of medical care under the work comp system for those who are employed to work in California's correctional facilities and compare these findings to the medical care delivery systems provided to prisoners who are injured while performing prison work.”

Rubio goes on to say, “I think this will be a wake-up call to anyone paying attention that we need to fix the workers' compensation system to better serve injured workers. Californians deserve to be treated fairly under the law and deserve to receive fair and just medical treatment under the workers' compensation system.”

Workers’ Compensation Attorneys Serving Injured Workers in Santa Clarita

At the Law Offices of Wax & Wax, we provide skillful, compelling legal representation for people who are having trouble recovering the funds they need to make up for costs associated with work injuries. We can help you fight unfair claim denial, ensure all your paperwork is completed appropriately and on time, and help you make sure you aren’t left to foot the bill on your own.

Call (818) 946-0608 today to speak to a Santa Clarita workers’ comp lawyer right away.

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