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How Social Media Could Affect Your Workers' Comp Claim


Social media allows people to stay connected, which is particularly helpful after you’ve been involved in an accident. You may want to post online to let people know you are okay, but this could backfire. Many people don’t realize that insurance companies look at their social media profiles to determine the validity of their worker’ compensation claims. This means, if you are injured at work and file for workers’ comp, your social media posts could hinder your ability to receive a settlement.

How Social Media Posts May Affect Your Claim

Social media posts are considered public record. This means they may be used as evidence in court. Why does this matter? After you have filed a workers’ compensation claim, the insurance company will investigate the situation to ensure your claim is truthful and accurate. This includes searching your social media profiles to determine evidence of fraud.

If you post on social media after an accident that you feel fine, but you are pursuing compensation for a serious injury, the insurance company may use this social media post to dispute your case. They may say that your injuries are not as serious as you say they are, or that they didn’t occur at your workplace.

Social media surveillance has become a common tactic for insurance companies. It helps them identify instances of fraud, and provides evidence against those seeking compensation for nonexistent injuries. Furthermore, insurance companies will investigate more than just Facebook or Twitter. Your posts on Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, Flickr, and even dating websites may be used to undermine your claim.

How to Protect Your Case

The best thing to do is stay off of social media entirely. However, if you do post on social media, you should at least set your privacy to the highest level to discourage outsiders from viewing your posts. Social media is a helpful way to stay connected after a workplace accident, but it is best to use it sparingly until your case is resolved.

Our Glendale Lawyers Are Here to Help

If you have been injured at work, the Law Offices of Wax & Wax can provide diligent representation. We have helped hundreds of clients obtain successful settlements. With decades of combined legal experience, our Glendale attorneys will discuss your options and help you file a workers’ compensation claim.

Contact our office today to schedule a free consultation.

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