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Stress-Related Injuries and Workers' Compensation Benefits


Workplace stress-related injuries often stem from repetitive movements, which ultimately lead to muscle strain and conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome. In rarer cases, work-related stress injuries might result in compensable mental or emotional injuries, which are also covered under workers’ compensation insurance in California. If you suffered a stress-related injury at your place of work, you need to retain skilled legal representation from an experienced workers’ compensation attorney to ensure you are able to receive these important benefits. Insurance companies and employers often try to deny injured workers the benefits they deserve, but with a skilled legal advocate on your side, you stand a better chance of getting what you deserve.

At the Law Offices of Wax & Wax in Glendale, we can provide the effective legal assistance you need to obtain the benefits you deserve.

Physical Stress Injuries and Workers’ Compensation Benefits

Generally, physical stress injuries are not terribly difficult to identify. For example, an administrative assistant who types too much and for lengthy periods of time without enough breaks might eventually suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome, a worker who stocks shelves in a warehouse all day might suffer from chronic back pain as a result of lifting heavy objects repeatedly, and a construction worker who excessively uses a jackhammer might suffer from nerve damage over a period of time. Unlike other workplace accidents, these injuries develop over a span of time rather than as a result of a single incident.

The workers’ compensation system covers these types of injuries, providing injured workers a portion of their average earnings while they are out of work and attempting to recover from their injuries, so that they can continue to pay for their living expenses until they are able to return to recover and return to work. If you were to suffer a stress-related work injury, make sure you follow all necessary steps, including filing your accident report, in a timely manner. This will get the ball rolling on your workers’ compensation claim. Failure to carry out these steps in the required timeframe could result in the denial of your claim. Your attorney will be able to assist you with this if you are unclear on how to proceed.

Additionally, as part of the claims process, you might be required to undergo an Independent Medical Examination by a doctor of the insurance company’s choosing in order to confirm that the injury is related to your work. Despite the fact that this exam is meant to be independent, it is often not, so make sure you ask your attorney for some advice before attending your appointment.

Assuming your stress-related injury was not a pre-existing condition and that your injuries are related to your job duties, the workers’ compensation benefits you receive would include:

  • Weekly compensation benefits
  • Permanent impairment benefits
  • Medical treatment coverage
  • Vocational rehabilitation

In some cases, a repetitive stress injury might lead to chronic pain that might require a worker to take on a different position. However, if you are able to return to work, remember to ask your employer to take all the necessary steps to help you by ensuring your workstation is ergonomically sound, or by limiting the amount of intense physical work you do until you are able to fully recover and able to perform your duties without the risk of worsening your condition or sustaining additional injuries.

Call an Experienced Workers’ Compensation Attorney in Glendale Today!

If you suffered a repetitive stress injury at work, you could be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits that can help you through this difficult time and lessen the burden of this situation. At the Law Offices of Wax & Wax, our team of Glendale workers’ compensation attorneys is backed by over 100 years of combined legal experience and a proven track record of success in representing injured workers. You should not have to navigate this complicated process on your own and risk the chance of not receiving these important benefits.

Get started on your workers’ compensation case today and reach out to our law firm at (818) 946-0608 to request your free initial case evaluation with one of our knowledgeable Glendale attorneys. We serve clients throughout the greater Los Angeles area and have Spanish speakers on staff ready to assist you.

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