Nearly every business in the United States is required to purchase workers’ compensation insurance and provide benefits to injured employees. In addition to offering those benefits in the event of an on-the-job accident, employers must also take action to ensure their employees are educated on their rights under the workers’ compensation system.
The Rights of Injured Employees
Every worker is entitled to know about the benefits they can receive through workers’ compensation, and their rights if they are injured in an accident. For employers, this means a responsibility to explain to their employees what kinds of injuries and illnesses are covered, and the benefits they are entitled to if they are injured on the job. In addition, employees should know about their right to receive medical attention, and how to do that.
The Workers’ Compensation Claims Process
Your employer should outline the necessary steps you will need to take to recover benefits following an on-the-job injury. This includes information about any forms you will need to complete and the injury reporting procedure at your workplace.
Facts About the Company’s Workers’ Compensation Insurance Policy
Lastly, your employer should provide general information about their workers’ compensation insurance provider and the policy they have. At the bare minimum, this should include the name of their insurance company and who files claims in the event of an on-the-job accident.
Some laws require the posting of a physical sign that outlines this information, or at the least, an entry in an employee handbook or other hiring documents. If your employer has not provided you with any information about their workers’ compensation policy, they are in violation of workers’ compensation law.
Contact Law Offices of Wax & Wax to discuss your rights following a work injury. Our attorneys are available via phone at 818.946.0608, or you can schedule a free consultation through our contact form.