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Does Workers’ Compensation Cover Workplace Violence in CA?

Workplace violence is a serious issue that disrupts the work environment and poses significant health and safety risks to employees. In California, the Occupational Safety & Health Standards Board has adopted regulations to prevent workplace violence, especially in healthcare settings.

However, instances of workplace violence are not limited to healthcare settings or caused solely by coworkers or supervisors. This raises the question: does workers' compensation cover injuries resulting from violence caused by someone who is not a coworker or supervisor?

Understanding Workplace Violence

Workplace violence is defined as any threat or act of physical violence, intimidation, or harassment that occurs at one's place of work. Such violence can involve any act or threat of physical violence, intimidation, harassment, or other kinds of disruptive behavior.

The risks can be particularly pronounced for those who serve on the front lines, such as law enforcement officers and medical professionals. These dedicated individuals, who tirelessly work to safeguard our communities and provide critical care, often find themselves facing heightened vulnerability.

The nature of their roles requires close interactions with individuals in various states of distress, and this, unfortunately, can sometimes escalate into tense situations. It is imperative to recognize the unique challenges faced by these professionals and extend our support by fostering a safe and empathetic workplace culture.

By prioritizing training, communication, and resource allocation, we can pave the way for a more secure environment, allowing these essential workers to carry out their duties with the confidence and peace of mind they deserve. However, are existing compensation and support systems doing enough?

California’s Approach to Workplace Violence

California has a zero-tolerance policy toward workplace violence. It stresses that no employee should commit or threaten to commit any violent act against another person at the workplace. This also extends to non-employees who threaten or commit violence in a workplace, making them subject to criminal prosecution.

Preventing workplace violence requires concerted efforts from both employers and employees. Employers should strive to create a safe working environment and implement policies and procedures to deal with potential incidents of violence. On the other hand, employees are responsible for reporting any incidents of violence or threats.

In response to incidents of workplace violence, the State will provide counseling services or referrals to counseling services for victims of workplace violence and employees who may be affected by witnessing such incidents.

Coverage for Workplace Violence

In California, workers' compensation generally covers injuries arising out of and during employment. This means if an employee is injured due to workplace violence, they are typically eligible for workers' compensation benefits, regardless of whether the perpetrator is a coworker, supervisor, or a non-employee.

However, the specifics of each case can vary, and the outcome of a workers' compensation claim can depend on various factors, including the nature of the incident, the severity of the injuries, and whether the violence could have been reasonably anticipated, among other considerations.


Workplace violence is a significant concern that can have severe consequences for employees. While California has robust measures in place to prevent such incidents, when they do occur, workers' compensation plays a crucial role in supporting injured employees.

Regardless of whether the perpetrator of the violence is a coworker, supervisor, or non-employee, workers' compensation generally covers injuries resulting from workplace violence. However, it is essential to consult with a legal professional to understand the specifics of your situation.

The Law Offices of Wax & Wax can help with workers’ compensation claims, appeals, loss of income, and more. Contact our firm today for more information.
