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Obesity Reclassified: How this Affects Your Workers' Comp Claim


The Link Between Workers’ Compensation and Obesity

The reclassification of obesity as a disease by the AMA affects workers’ compensation two-fold:

  1. How employers are handling the obesity epidemic with regard to their employees has changed; and
  2. How doctors are treating obesity as part of workers’ compensation claims has changed.

Our team of Glendale workers’ compensation attorneys at the Law Offices of Wax & Wax understand how your obesity treatment may be part of your workers’ compensation claim. We know that health care does not have a linear approach, it is all encompassing. We can help you determine the course of action to take to receive the benefits you are entitled to.

Call us today to discuss your case at (818) 946-0608.

How Obesity Affects Workers’ Compensation

Employers across the country are realizing the importance of wellness as part of productivity and happiness at work, as well as the role overall health plays in workers’ compensation claims. By treating wellness as a company-wide effort, it can reduce overall workers’ compensation costs in the long run. Companies are implementing health initiatives, including:

  • Flexible work hours: Employers are allowing time for walks before or after work, time to go to the gym, and encouraging break periods where employees get up from their desks to move.
  • Discounted gym memberships: Employers are joining forces with gyms, or even providing on-site gyms for employee use.
  • Healthy snack options: Employers are providing fruit, water and vending machines with healthy snack options as alternatives to their unhealthy counterparts.
  • Company fitness: Employers are organizing extracurricular sports teams and/or organizing active work-related outings such as team marathon runs, fitness challenges, etc.

The other side of the coin is that doctors are now including treatment of obesity in workers’ compensation claims. If you are injured at work or have a work-related health issue that is exacerbated by your weight, obesity treatment may now be part of your claim, either as a requirement for surgery or as part of your recovery. If you have gained weight due to lack of mobility from a work injury, treatment for this may be included in your claim as well.

We Are on Your Side

If your doctor has discussed obesity treatment with you, and you have a workers’ compensation claim, you may be able to benefit from the reclassification of obesity as a disease. The changes in classification affect how treatment is covered by insurance, including workers’ compensation. Don’t let potential benefits pass you by. Our team of Glendale workers’ compensation attorneys can help you determine if you have a case.

Contact our team today to discuss your workers’ compensation case. Call (818) 946-0608.

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